
NetNick : carrotsusu
Birthday : 12/11/78
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:: Love is not a word to say when we feel guilty or the right word to say when we like a person, but love really matters when we share thoughts, our mind and our hearts ::

Friday, June 13, 2008

[Condition : Is it?]

I've taken the super IQ test by Tickle, and I got only 103 for IQ.. hmmphh.. very low..

They classified me as intuitive interpreter, is it true?.. I don't know..

Your IQ score is 103. This means that you are smarter than 59.0% of all other Super IQ test takers.

This number is the result of a scientifically-tested formula based on how many questions you answered correctly on the Tickle Super IQ Test.

But there's more to intelligence than a single number, a single score, or a single label. Tickle uses 8 distinguishable dimensions of intelligence in the Super IQ Test. By analyzing your individual scores on those 8 scales, we are able to look beyond the raw IQ score into how you process information, and which intellectual strengths you're best at.

Your test results indicate that the way you process information makes you an Intuitive Interpreter.

You are a highly conceptual thinker. This means that you like to seek the underlying meaning rather than get mired in the facts and figures. Because of your approach, you're more inclined to get a broad understanding of what's going on, enabling you to make connections between something you learned three weeks ago, and something you are learning today. While other people may need those types of connections to be pointed out for them you just naturally make them.

You do not need to analyze all the details of any given situation because your ability to see the 'big picture' gives you all the information you'd ever want. You are less inclined to walk through something step by step to get the logic or the meaning behind it — the gist of it is probably already clear to you without the in-depth examination. You'd rather not get bogged down in numbers or the particulars of how something is worded as the details seem meaningless to you.

Here's an example of your Intuitive Interpreter thinking skills at work in a real-life situation:

You are with a friend who is shopping for a car. The salesperson is presenting facts and figures and your friend is buying it hook, line, and sinker. You are noticing, however, the things that the salesperson isn't saying. Intuitively, you know that one of the biggest overall concerns when buying a car is safety and in your opinion this salesperson seems to be going out of his way to avoid talking about it. You take your friend aside and point out your concerns, and when your friend asks about the safety of the car, the salesperson again deftly avoids the subject. You later look up the car in Consumer Reports and find that, indeed, the car has poor safety ratings. Your friend is grateful you went with him on his car-shopping venture.

So anyone wants to buy a car?.. hehehehe

Quite scared to take my CCNA exam now.. hurrrrrr..

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